Gentle Flow Yoga

Provisions Kenya Acacia House, Lower Kabete, Nairobi

Gentle flow yoga helps build overall strength and flexibility! Come and move through a gentle sequence of yoga postures to enhance mobility, improve mood and boost energy levels. The class...

Sip and Stitch

Noir Gallery Muthangari Drive

Bring your knitting, sewing, crochet and stitching projects to this fun Sip and Stitch meetup! Share patterns, ideas and learn some new stitches from friends. Noir Gallery is hosting us...

Brunch for Justice

Stop by and enjoy games and activities at the annual Fundraising Brunch for Justice aka "A Queer Playdate". The National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission hosts this event as...

Watercolor Painting Class

Provisions Kenya Acacia House, Lower Kabete, Nairobi

Join the talented Kanyi Ohawa for an afternoon of watercolor painting instruction. In this class, you will learn the fundamentals of watercolor and create some basic floral compositions. Ticket with supplies...

Gentle Flow Yoga

Provisions Kenya Acacia House, Lower Kabete, Nairobi

Gentle flow yoga helps build overall strength and flexibility! Come and move through a gentle sequence of yoga postures to enhance mobility, improve mood and boost energy levels. The class...

Crochet and Knitting Clinic

Need help with your knit or crochet project? This clinic will be held once a month, and is designed to assist you in deciphering a pattern, correcting a mistake, or...


Aromatherapy Workshop

Provisions Kenya Acacia House, Lower Kabete, Nairobi

Discover how the use of essential oils and aromatherapy can enhance your health and wellness, create a natural beauty routine and add balance to your life. In this class, we...


Intro to brewing Kombucha and Kefir

Provisions Kenya Acacia House, Lower Kabete, Nairobi

Have you always wanted to learn more about the wonderful probiotic beverages, kombucha tea and water kefir? We are excited to share some brewing tips, health benefits and recipes that...

Sip and Stitch

Jenga Jungle Westpark Towers

Bring your knitting, crochet or sewing projects to this casual meet up at this new rooftop restaurant and bar with stunning city views. Join your fellow crafters as we enjoy...

Watercolor Painting Class: Beginner

Provisions Kenya Acacia House, Lower Kabete, Nairobi

Join the talented Kanyi Ohawa for a time of watercolor painting instruction. In this class, you will learn the fundamentals of watercolor and create some basic floral compositions. Ticket with...

KShs2,900 KShs6,380

Beginner Crochet or Knitting Class

Provisions Kenya Acacia House, Lower Kabete, Nairobi

Have you always wanted to learn how to crochet or knit, but don't know where to start? This is well suited to beginner and intermediate students of all ages.  Stitch...

Full Moon Circle

Provisions Kenya Acacia House, Lower Kabete, Nairobi

For this circle, the theme will be Ease and Flow. Explore your struggles and discover which areas you are fighting with: could it be your life or yourself? It is...